Discover how pub landlord John London made history as Britain’s first known black voter in 1749, defending his rights against racial challenges in Westminster.
Discover how Calvin Waller, Penn State’s first Black graduate, shaped the future of Black leadership and excellence through his trailblazing achievements and lasting legacy.
Discover the groundbreaking story of Remi Moses, Manchester United’s first black goal scorer, whose resilience and skill left an indelible mark on football history
Discover how Allan Minns, the UK’s first Black mayor, transformed Thetford through medical reforms and community development that left a lasting legacy.
Mary Eliza Mahoney, recognized as America’s first Black professional nurse after graduating in 1879, paved the way for equality in healthcare and civil rights.
Jacques Leurs, Luxembourg’s nearly-first black MP, overcame discrimination to become a leading political figure before his untimely death in 1968.
Discover the remarkable story of Joseph Jenkins Roberts, a Virginia native who became the world’s first African American president, leading Liberia to independence in 1848.
Discover the inspiring story of Arthur Wharton, the world’s first black professional footballer from Gold Coast, and his enduring impact on sports and society.
Discover the groundbreaking career of Fred Corbett, West Ham United’s first black player, who scored 52 goals and paved the way for diversity in early English football.
Betty Okino made history in 1991 as the first Black gymnast to win the American Cup, paving the way for diversity in elite gymnastics.