The groundbreaking love story of Shirley Robinson and Ernest Brown Jr., the first Black couple to wed on television in 1953. Breaking barriers on the popular “Bride and Groom” show, their interracial marriage showcased optimism and change during…
The remarkable story of Ambassador Abba Ahmed Zoru, the first Black African to broadcast on BBC London. From his early education in Maiduguri to pioneering roles in Nigerian broadcasting, Zoru’s career was marked by groundbreaking achievements. Serving as…
The historic day in 1892 when Biddle College (now Johnson C. Smith University) and Livingstone College played the first Black college intercollegiate football game. Battling wintry conditions and funding challenges, these pioneering teams engaged in a hard-fought contest…
The extraordinary journey of Cynthia Shange, the first Black woman to represent South Africa at the Miss World pageant in 1972 during the apartheid era. From breaking barriers in beauty pageants to becoming a pioneering actress in South…
The extraordinary journey of Charles F Page, a former slave from Pineville, Louisiana, who, in 1906, patented a revolutionary airship design, predating the Wright Brothers. Unveil the dual-balloon system and sailboat-like hull that set Page’s airship apart, and…