Humberto José Alves redefined leadership as UFMG’s first Black medical school director, championing diversity and inclusion in Brazilian academia.
Vanessa Williams made history as the first Black Miss America in 1983. Despite controversy, she built a legendary career in music, film, and theater.
Discover how Johnson Products made history as the first Black-owned company on the stock exchange, fueled by Afro Sheen’s success and a groundbreaking partnership with Soul Train.
The Black Ownership in Sports Symposium returns to Atlanta, giving Black professionals a game-changing playbook to break into sports ownership.
David Blackwell was the first Black scholar in the National Academy of Sciences. His work in game theory and statistics transformed mathematics and decision-making models.
Discover how Thomas Jennings pioneered dry cleaning and became the first Black American to hold a U.S. patent, using his success to fight for freedom.
Celebrating 150 years since Edward McKnight Brawley became Bucknell’s first Black graduate, this article explores his legacy and the ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in higher education.
Discover how Jarena Lee defied societal norms to become the first Black woman preacher in the A.M.E. Church. Her inspiring story of faith and perseverance broke barriers for women in ministry.