The groundbreaking journey of Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown, a US-based Nigerian doctor who made history as the first Black woman to own a sleep clinic. Through her innovative venture, she offers personalized, family-centered sleep care, addressing pediatric sleep disorders…
The inspiring story of LaVon Wright Bracy, the first African American graduate of Gainesville High School, who defied racial segregation in 1965. Despite facing adversity and hostility, Bracy’s courage and perseverance paved the way for desegregation, leaving behind…
Witness the groundbreaking journey of Dorothy Jean Tillman II, a Chicago teen dubbed ‘Dorothy Jeanius,’ as she becomes the youngest to earn a doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health at Arizona State University at the age of 17.…
Terri Burns made history as Google Ventures’ youngest and first Black female partner. Discover her journey and how she’s challenging the VC status quo with her new firm, Type Capital, focusing on early-stage startups and Gen Z founders
Bishop Tracy S. Malone makes history as the first Black female president of the United Methodist Church’s Council of Bishops, marking a significant milestone in diversity and inclusivity within the church
Uncover the remarkable tale of Sawney Freeman, believed to be America’s first Black composer, whose forgotten musical legacy sheds light on a forgotten chapter in American music history.