Discover the groundbreaking story of De-Andrea Blaylock-Solar, Missouri’s first certified Black sex therapist, who is pioneering change in mental health and sexuality education by dismantling harmful narratives and promoting inclusive, empowering approaches to intimacy and relationships.
Explore the remarkable story of Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel, the first permanent female African-American police chief in Louisville and Kentucky, who is spearheading police reforms, community outreach, and emphasizing de-escalation and officer accountability.
Hampton Police Division celebrates a milestone as Lt. Ashley Jenrette becomes the first Black woman appointed as lieutenant, marking a significant stride towards greater diversity and community engagement within the department.
Honore Kamegni has made history by becoming Cork’s first black city councillor, paving the way for increased inclusivity and diversity in local governance and addressing critical issues affecting the community.
Captain William “Bill” Pinkney, the first Black man to sail solo around the world, is honored for his extraordinary exploits and legacy as a trailblazing sailor who inspired generations.
Fr. Rayford Emmons, the first Black Catholic priest ordained for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is celebrating 50 years of ministry with a Jubilee Mass and celebration, commemorating his trailblazing journey and unwavering commitment to service.
James Toler, Indianapolis’ first Black police chief, left an indelible mark on the city’s law enforcement approach through his pioneering work in community policing and transformative leadership within the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.