Duke’s First Black Basketball Player C.B. Claiborne Fought for Change and Helped Transform the University

A Trailblazer Who Changed Duke Forever

Before Duke basketball became a global powerhouse, C.B. Claiborne broke barriers as the program’s first Black player. Arriving in the 1960s, he didn’t just play basketball—he fought for equality.

Now, a new documentary, C.B.: Power to the Player, highlights his legacy. “I didn’t think of myself as just a basketball player,” Claiborne says in the film. “I was part of a group of students trying to change this campus.” His courage helped shape the Duke we know today.

Standing Up Against Racial Injustice

Claiborne entered Duke just years after the university integrated Black students. At the time, he remembers “systematic exclusion” across the South. He faced racial taunts and unfair treatment but refused to stay silent.

He sacrificed playing time to protest for Black students’ rights. His demands included hiring Duke’s first Black faculty and creating an African American studies program. “Those things actually came to be,” Claiborne says. His activism made lasting change beyond basketball.

The Untold Story Behind Duke’s Rise

Today, Duke is known for NBA stars like Grant Hill and Zion Williamson. But Claiborne’s impact is often overlooked. “A person who made this much impact wasn’t recognized,” says Dr. Javier Wallace, the documentary’s co-director.

Claiborne never reached the NBA, but his fight paved the way for future Black athletes. “He participated in that change to give us what Duke basketball is now,” Wallace adds. The film shows how his courage helped build Duke’s legendary program.

A Legacy That Goes Beyond Sports

Claiborne’s story isn’t just about basketball—it’s about social change. “The portrayal is of more than just the athlete,” he says. The documentary captures the struggles and victories of his time.

“Sometimes when you plant a tree, you never know how big it will grow,” Claiborne reflects. His fight for justice helped Duke grow into the inclusive, winning program it is today. Now, his story is finally getting the recognition it deserves.

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