Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson, First Black Woman to Earn U.S. Army Major General Rank, Honored as USS Beloit Sponsor

A Historic Ceremony in Milwaukee

Cannons roared at Veterans Park in Milwaukee as the USS Beloit was officially welcomed on Friday. Among the highlights of the event, retired Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson, the ship’s sponsor, took center stage.

The USS Beloit, a littoral combat ship, is the first to be named after a Wisconsin city. Anderson, a Beloit native, reflected on the honor, saying, “This isn’t just about me. It’s about the people of Beloit and their contributions to national security.”

Pioneering Leadership in the Military

Maj. Gen. Anderson is no stranger to groundbreaking achievements. In 2011, she became the first Black woman to achieve the rank of major general in the U.S. Army. She carried the weight of being the first with grace and responsibility.

“When you’re the first, you have to set a good example,” Anderson said. “Those who follow will walk in your footsteps, and you want to make their path smoother.”

Anderson served for over 30 years before retiring in 2016. Her distinguished career included efforts to improve opportunities for minorities in the military.

Anderson’s Role as USS Beloit Sponsor

As the sponsor of the USS Beloit, Anderson symbolizes the spirit and strength of the ship. Navy tradition grants sponsors a lasting bond with the vessel and its crew.

Anderson emphasized the importance of naming ships after communities. “The trend now is to honor ordinary people and places that have made extraordinary contributions,” she said.

Gov. Tony Evers, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and other state officials were present to witness the ship’s commissioning. The USS Beloit will now sail to its home port at Naval Station Mayport in Florida.

A Legacy of Inspiration

Maj. Gen. Anderson’s achievements continue to inspire many, particularly women and minorities striving for leadership roles. Her historic military career and her role as USS Beloit sponsor highlight her dedication to service and excellence.

The USS Beloit’s journey now begins, carrying with it the legacy of Beloit and the remarkable leadership of Maj. Gen. Anderson.