Dr. Shanté Williams Makes History as the First Black Woman to Lead Opera Carolina

Opera Carolina has appointed Dr. Shanté Williams as its new general director, effective July 1, 2024. This groundbreaking decision marks a significant milestone in the organization’s 75-year history.

Trailblazing Leadership in Charlotte’s Arts Scene

Dr. Williams will become the first woman and first person of color to lead Opera Carolina. Her appointment follows a multi-year succession-planning process initiated by the organization.

Carol Kendrick, Board Chair, expressed enthusiasm about the decision:

“On behalf of the entire board of directors, I am thrilled Dr. Williams is joining us as our next general director. We are confident we have found the right person to lead and inspire our community.”

Venture Capitalist Turned Opera Executive

Dr. Williams brings a wealth of experience to her new role. She currently serves as CEO of Black Pearl Vision and global CEO of Black Pearl Global Investments, a $25 million venture capital fund.

Her diverse background spans scientific research, innovation, and problem-solving across health, finance, and real estate industries. This unique skill set positions her well to lead Opera Carolina into its next chapter.

Accolades from Opera Luminaries

Opera stars have lauded Williams’ appointment. Denyce Graves, who recently starred in Opera Carolina’s production of “The Passion of Mary Cardwell Dawson,” praised Williams’ leadership skills:

“I am confident that under her guidance, Opera Carolina will continue to flourish and achieve great success.”

Barbara Frittoli, another celebrated singer, affirmed the organization’s choice, citing Jack Welch:

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion.”

A Vision for Opera Carolina’s Future

Dr. Williams expressed honor and excitement about her new role:

“Having been fortunate enough to serve on the board of directors, I am especially honored to carry the organization’s remarkable reputation forward.”

She plans to lead business operations while Maestro James Meena continues as Artistic Director. Together, they aim to expand the company’s role in Charlotte’s artistic community.

Celebrating 75 Years of Operatic Excellence

Opera Carolina will launch its 75th season on October 30 with a benefit concert featuring renowned Italian singer Andrea Bocelli. This milestone celebration sets the stage for a new era under Dr. Williams’ leadership.

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