How Blue Clarice Made History

How Blue Clarice Made History As The First Black Person To Awarded As The Cosplayer Of The Year For Blerdcon

A Triumph for Representation and Inclusivity

In a remarkable achievement, Blue Clarice wrote her name in the annals of cosplay history by becoming Blerdcon’s first Black Cosplayer of the Year.

This prestigious accolade is equivalent to the coveted Best in Show award, recognizing her exceptional craftsmanship and unwavering dedication to the community.

A Powerful Response to Adversity

Disheartened by the lack of appreciation for Black cosplayers’ creativity, Blue Clarice took matters into her own hands. She spearheaded the creation of a cosplay contest explicitly designed to celebrate the ingenuity and artistry of her fellow Black cosplayers.

This bold move resonated profoundly, attracting participants and garnering support from Black-owned businesses.

“I partnered with some other black cosplayers and black-owned businesses to bring prizes and judge the competition.”

The Journey to the Top

Blue Clarice’s path to the summit was paved with perseverance and an unwavering belief in her abilities. Reflecting on her triumph, she shared:

“I tried so hard not to cry, but as soon as kiwi started saying why they love my cosplay, I just cried.”

Months of meticulous handwork, intricate sewing, and dedicated practice culminated in her awe-inspiring Jolene Cujo cosplay, leaving judges and spectators alike spellbound.

Breaking Barriers, Opening Doors

Beyond personal accolades, Blue Clarice’s achievement carries profound significance for the cosplay community. The Black Cosplayer of the Year award aims to foster greater representation by empowering Black cosplayers to guest at conventions – a platform long overdue for diverse voices and perspectives.

“I didn’t really have a lot of role models in what I do in Cosplay and what I do outside of Cosplay that looked like me, so if I can make someone else feel seen, I’m very happy to do so.”

A Clarion Call for Inclusivity

At the heart of Blue Clarice’s mission lies a steadfast commitment to creating a welcoming space for Black cosplayers to thrive. Her rallying cry echoes far and wide:

“I’ve always wanted to make sure there’s a space in the cosplay community for Black cosplayers to really be who they are and show what they can do.”

Perseverance Breeds Success

As Blue Clarice’s journey demonstrates, persistence and determination can propel even the wildest dreams into reality. Her advice to aspiring cosplayers rings true:

“Sometimes, just putting it out there and trying is all you need to do, and your path will grab a hold of you and pull you along.”