Raphael Wright Pioneers Detroit’s First Black-Owned Grocery Store in Nearly a Decade with Neighborhood Grocery

A Mission to Bring Healthy Food Access

After years of planning and hard work, Raphael Wright has achieved a remarkable feat – opening Detroit’s first Black-owned grocery store in almost a decade.

Neighborhood Grocery, located in the Jefferson-Chalmers neighborhood, is more than just a grocery store; it’s a mission to address the food desert in the area and provide healthy food options to the community.

“To build a community you have to have healthy food and healthy access to the food, and the start is in grocery stores,” Wright said, emphasizing the importance of his venture.

With a vision to revitalize the neighborhoods he grew up in, Wright has taken on the challenge of transforming a former liquor store into a health food haven.

Community Involvement and Inclusion

One of the key aspects of Neighborhood Grocery is its commitment to community involvement and inclusion. The store embodies its name by allowing locals to have a say in what’s stocked on the shelves, and even incorporating their names into the decor.

“I’m from the neighborhoods I work in, and I want to make them better. They were good at one point, and I want to bring back that glory,” Wright explained, demonstrating his deep connection to the area.

Longtime residents like Ms. Rita, who has lived in the neighborhood for four decades, have welcomed the new addition with open arms. “Really happy it’s a grocery store and not a beer and wine store,” she said, highlighting the positive impact Neighborhood Grocery is having on the community.

Overcoming Challenges and Seeking Alternative Funding

Wright’s journey to open Neighborhood Grocery was not without its challenges. In addition to the $85,000 he received from Motor City Match in February 2023, Wright employed a profit-sharing model to raise the additional funds needed to renovate the space he purchased.

“The No. 1 goal for the profit-sharing model is avoiding the bank as much as possible,” Wright explained. “Instead of paying back a loan, I would rather pay people back.”

This innovative approach not only helped Wright secure the necessary resources but also fostered a sense of community investment in the project.

A Beacon of Hope and Empowerment

As Detroit celebrates the opening of its first Black-owned grocery store in nearly a decade, Neighborhood Grocery stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment for the community.

Wright’s dedication to bringing healthy food access, fostering inclusion, and revitalizing neighborhoods is a testament to the power of perseverance and a commitment to making a positive impact.

With the support of the community and a clear vision for the future, Neighborhood Grocery is poised to become a cornerstone of the Jefferson-Chalmers neighborhood, providing not only groceries but also a sense of pride and ownership for its residents.