Superior Judge Cristal C. Brisco Makes History

Superior Judge Cristal C. Brisco Makes History As The First Black Judge And Woman Of Color To Become A Lifetime Federal Judge In The Northern District Of Indiana

Brisco Approved By Senate As Lifetime Indiana Federal Judge

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Superior Court Judge Cristal Brisco to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana in a 67-32 vote. With her appointment, Brisco becomes the first ever Black judge and woman of color to serve as a federal lifetime judge in Indiana’s Northern District.

Prior to her confirmation, Brisco served as a Superior Court judge in South Bend after working as a magistrate judge, general counsel for St. Mary’s College, and civil litigation attorney. She earned bipartisan support from Indiana Senators Todd Young (R) and Mike Braun (R).

Senate Confirmation Cements Place In Judiciary History

Judge Brisco’s confirmation seals her pioneering role in Indiana’s judiciary history. President Biden nominated Brisco in November 2022 to fill a District Court vacancy.

Of Biden’s over 170 confirmed federal judges so far, over a third have been Black women. However, historically only 98 Black women had ever been appointed as lifetime federal judges until now.

“Milestones like this are important,” said Lena Zwarensteyn of civil rights group The Leadership Conference. “We celebrate this progress…including the critical yet underrepresented legal backgrounds that many of these judges bring to the bench.”

Brisco Aims For Fair, Accessible Justice On The Bench

During her Senate hearing in December 2022, Brisco outlined her guiding principles for serving on the federal bench.

“I roll up my sleeves to put in the work of research and study of the law so that I can issue well-reasoned decisions that use clear and accessible language,” she testified. Brisco’s goal is for all who come before her court to understand her rulings and receive impartial justice.

At just age 42, Judge Cristal Brisco will likely spend decades shaping legal interpretations, expanding minority representation, and dispensing equitable judgements from her new seat on the District Court. Her lifetime confirmation cements Brisco’s pioneering status for women of color in law.