How Talented 17-Year-Old Boy Gabriel Carothers Made History As The Youngest Black Pilot In New Mexico

Gabriel Carothers made history when he passed his private pilot check ride at just 17 years old, becoming the youngest pilot in New Mexico. Even more remarkably, he is the youngest African-American pilot in the state’s history.

Aviation has been a lifelong passion for the Albuquerque native. He first took to the skies at age 5 on a flight with his dad’s friend. Since then, he has tirelessly pursued his goal of becoming a pilot.

Early Interest Takes Flight

Carothers recalls first experiencing the thrill of flight during an airplane ride with his dad and brother when he was only 5 years old. The experience ignited his interest in aviation.

As he got older, Carothers gained more opportunities to take control of aircraft under supervision. By age 14, he had designed and built his own flight simulator to sharpen his skills and knowledge.

His father, a retired U.S. Air Force pilot, provided inspiration and guidance along the way. But Carothers took the initiative to put in the hard work necessary to earn his wings.

Reaching New Heights In New Mexico Aviation

On August 8, 2022, just 10 days past his 17th birthday, Carothers passed his private pilot check ride. He is now licensed to fly single-engine aircraft and hopes to move on to vintage planes next.

Carothers did not set out to break barriers. But his remarkable accomplishment makes him a trailblazer for young pilots of color in the state. He joins the Tuskegee Airmen nonprofit to encourage youth in aviation and STEM fields.

By pursuing his passion at such a young age, Carothers has reached dazzling heights. The sky is now the limit as he continues training with hopes to enter the U.S. Air Force Academy. At just 17 years old, there are no telling what amazing feats he may yet achieve.